The movie is very loosely based on Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare, and has little or no relation to the original trilogy from the 1990's. In 2005, an Alone in the Dark movie staring Christian Slater (Edward Carnby) and Tara Reid (Aline Cedrac) has been (is being) released, based on the computer game series.
Giger (ever seen the first Alien movie? The creature's Giger's creation). Lovecraft's novels, although later games in the series drew inspiration from other sources, including Voodoo, Wild West movies, and the works of the one and only H.R. The storyline of the original game was based on H. In the series, the gamer plays as private investigator Edward Carnby, who usually goes to investigate a haunted mansion or town (or Heavy Metal concert…Nah, just kidding), that is full of undead-ly (drooling) creatures. Well, for those who don't know what I'm talking about, here's a swift brain download: Alone In The Dark is basically a series of survival horror computer games from Infogrames (now Atari).
Hey horror movie heavy metalheaded freaks (including me)! It's time we switched our CD players off for a while and headed to the movies for a change for some cool horror flick, don't you think? What horror movie? Why, does Alone In The Dark ring any bells for ya? No? You mean you've never played the game?…